Personal Identification Number ( PIN) A code used by an individual which restricts access to the money deposited in their account. 个人识别号码客户使用的号码,用来限制查询或提取客户账户上的存款。
Fingerprint recognition technology can prevent unauthorized access by replacing the personal identification code and password. 通过取代个人识别码和口令等,指纹识别技术可以阻止非授权人的访问。
Personal identification picture, the most important personal information, is one of storing contents of new generation card. However, either the 2-dimension bar code, or the IC card has limited capacity. 作为个人身份极为重要的信息之一,身份照片是新一代证件重点的存储对象之一。然而,无论是二维条形码还是IC卡,存储容量都非常有限。